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What elections will take place on 9 june in hungary? am i eligible to vote?

On 9 June 2024, elections for the European Parliament along with the Hungarian municipal elections will take place. If you are an EU citizen and a resident of Budapest you will get five ballots: one for the EU elections, two for your local district mayor (polgármester) and local district assembly and last but not least one for the mayor of Budapest (főpolgármester) and a list for the General Assembly of the  Municipality of Budapest (Fővárosi Közgyűlés). If you are above 18 and a refugee or a long-term, non-EU resident you are eligible to cast your vote for the municipal elections. For further details and whether you need to pre-register, please check the official homepage of the Hungarian National Elections Committee.

Vote for Dávid Vitézy and his team of professionals on 9 June!

So if you are eligible to vote in the municipal elections in line with the above, you have the right to shape the future of Budapest. Get to know David Vitézy, your candidate for the Mayor of Budapest! 

Budapest has so much more potential

Interested in David’s plans for Budapest? Get to know his 101-point programme, it’s fully available in English.

Get to know David and his team!

Do you want to know more about David and his team? Click on the button below for further information!

Watch David’s speech on why he is running for mayor and what the main elements of his program are.

How to vote for David?

Dávid Vitézy is running for the Mayor of Budapest and leads a list for the General Assembly of the Municipality of Budapest so you can cast two votes to support him.  

The list consists of civil experts and Green Party (LMP) representatives, to make the city a better place for everyone who considers Budapest their home. On the list ballot you’ll find his list under “Vitézy Dáviddal Budapestért” and “LMP – Zöldek”.

What do you need to bring with you?

(1) Your passport or photo ID issued by your country of citizenship


(2) Your Hungarian address card [„lakcímet igazoló hatósági igazolvány”, also known informally as „lakcímkártya”]

How to cast your vote?

Make sure you put a cross (two lines crossing each other) within the circle that signifies your vote. Any other way of casting your vote (ticking or filling the circle, writing on the sheet etc.) will render your vote invalid. 

